Anthony Laissue

France - Switzerland


In 2014, I discovered landscape photography somewhat by chance during a trip to the United States. It was almost predestined because it was in perfect symbiosis with my first passion which is traveling and hiking.


Since then, I have never missed an opportunity to take out my camera to capture a light, a reflection, a cloudy sky, a lake or a bison standing in front of me.


I have never hesitated to set my alarm clock at 2:00 am in order to wait in the cold, the wind, the snow or even the rain, to live this unique moment where we see the first rays of the sun on a cliff or on snowy mountain tops...

I hope through my images to succeed in making people travel as much as possible and to transmit this unique emotion that I have every time I photograph.


A big surprise recently pushed my motivation and confidence to continue taking pictures as I feel it. I participated in the "Glanzlichter" photo contest last year and one of my photos is in the top 10 (out of about 17'000) and is therefore published in the yearbook 2020. I invite you to click on the link below.